Little Sarah Jo, they call her "Jo" was the life of the party! This was the only picture i could get of her standing still. What a little groove Machine!

Natalie being spun in a million circles on the dance floor by her dad.
That was nothing compaired to "The Worm!!!"

The Sharps

Daddy and his little girl......Dereck looked fantastic!!!
Natalie was spilling water all over and when Daddy told her to stop she yelled "It's a TEA PARTY DADDY!" Duh daddy!

More footage from the Tea Party. Gavin is a really good helper, either that or Nat took his cup and he wants it back.

Wyatt being silly with Mama, funny boy! He sure does like to party!

I think they may have been getting tired of picture time by now.

Natalie and Gavin showing off their dance skillz!

Our family picture at the wedding,
So glad Trav and Nat could join me in a smile!- :)

The Kiddos enjoying their photo shoot!

Garrett and his pockets were quite hilarious!

Nat showing Garrett some LUV!

Aren't they just adorable! Garrett had a little to much fun at the Tea Party!

The Sharps

Daddy and his little girl......Dereck looked fantastic!!!

Natalie was spilling water all over and when Daddy told her to stop she yelled "It's a TEA PARTY DADDY!" Duh daddy!

More footage from the Tea Party. Gavin is a really good helper, either that or Nat took his cup and he wants it back.

Wyatt being silly with Mama, funny boy! He sure does like to party!

I think they may have been getting tired of picture time by now.

Natalie and Gavin showing off their dance skillz!

Our family picture at the wedding,
So glad Trav and Nat could join me in a smile!- :)

The Kiddos enjoying their photo shoot!

Garrett and his pockets were quite hilarious!

Nat showing Garrett some LUV!

Aren't they just adorable! Garrett had a little to much fun at the Tea Party!