"C'mon Sohpie-butt...you can do it girl....only one more stretch of snow to the perfect tree!"
The Children taking a rest from their adventures in Tree Hunting
Dorkin out at G'ma Sissy's
Hello! Hope everyone is well. We are doing great. Last weekend we went to the Christmas Tree Farm up Mission Creek in Cashmere and got Christmas trees with the fam! It was hilarious to watch Natalie and Sophia tromp through the deep snow. The top layer was frozen so they'd get motoring along and all the sudden be waist deep in snow! Too funny! We got a really nice tree and it made me really miss having one during this time of year. Although my tree looked A LOT smaller out doors, it looks great in my little apartment. I had to do some moving and shifting to get it to fit, but it looks GREAT! Greyson and Isabel ran around digging up all the baby trees that were covered in snow and were very proud of their work indeed!! Anyway, well I hope everyone is enjoying the month of December, I can't even believe it's about to be another year! Take care and I'll be seeing some of you very SOON!