Well, i hope everyone survived Halloween! We did! And we didn't get an over-load of candy.....so that's FABULOUS! Natalie was a princess riding a pink unicorn. Really cute. But that was only costume # 1. She was also the cutest little clown for dance the following Saturday that I have ever seen! Teacher Becca wanted all the little girls to wear their costumes to dance that day so she could see them. They did a bunch of cute dances to Halloween tunes....including the
monster mash-which all moms/parents had to get up and dance too-YEAH! Nat was
sooo cute. She would walk up to peoples doors, knock & when they would open up she would say, "
trick or treating!"-then walk all the way in to their house. It was really cute! We had a good time. After the trick-or-treating, we took her up to G-ma Bev's & to Dave & Sues. We also stopped by
Needless to say we all slept GREAT that night! I hope everyone else had a good time & I will see some of you this weekend for Ally & Kelly's baby shower!

McDonald's after dance......what fun!

Pretty little clown-face!

I have no idea what this little gal in the black was experiencing....but this is a funny pic!

Nat & her teachers, Miss Becca & Miss Cassey!

Happy little clown.....2ND costume

Pretty Princess....the 1st costume

When asked what a Pirate says,
Phia replied "
Of COURSE, Natalie wanted her pumpkin to be a girl. This was the best i could come up with!