Somehow, Nick managed to get dog poo on his upper thigh. We do not know how...and he is obviously upset. Ahhh, leave it to Nick! :) (He thought it was dirt & began wipping it off. Then he caught a wiff of the stench & almost threw up on the street. Funniest thing ever!)


We are OBVIOUSLY tourists.

beach objects

this is hilarious because when he daughter get's mad or upset she looks JUST LIKE THIS!

We don't know who's bike this was, but they thought it looked like a good set up for a picture

My two friends (Wanda & Laurissa) pretending to be the horse whisperer w/ a couple of POLICE HORSES.

The girls w/ Wanda's friend Gregg, who was visiting from AZ. Pretty sure he's never coming back to Washington. :)

Me & Tina.
Why do i always manage to cut off our heads? Me, Chrisi & Wanda

Nats breakfast on Saturday morning.

Chubber buns....no words could really describe the booty on this child, so i figured a picture would have to do. (Notice that she has a wedgie through a DIAPER)

This is what mischievous little girls do when their mommies haven't seen each other in a while & they get to talking too much. After searching high & low for 10 minutes we heard giggles coming from the kitchen cupboards. I am shocked they didn't try to smuggle the baby in here!
MacKenzie(Wanda's little girl) & my little chitlen (Nat was fresh from dance in her Hannah Montana jumper)

Nat throwing signs......NICE. She was actually trying to do the peace sign, that kinda works. :)
Baby Sophia...so pretty.(Chrisi's little mama)

This weekend was a couple of the girls' birthdays.....so we got a suite in down town Seattle & went out for a night on the town. The first place we stopped was Cowgirl Inc.....that's where we spent most of the night. It was a really fun bar. MY those girls are brave though!!! It was a good time, but i was sure glad to get home! Here are some pictures of the night.