The weekend was the 40
th birthday of my 2
nd Cousin, Ann. We traveled to the Quincy Community Center for the shin-dig of the century. There was yummy food & lots of dancing. The kids had a great time chasing all the new cousins they have never met around. There are also some randoms mixed of the girls & I as well as their babies!!!

Sophia refusing to follow suite, as usual

Me & Nat....

Mom & dad
why does she do that??

Birthday girl w/ the little girls

Mom swinging w/ the
chitlens....look at Nat's face!
Cousin's little pretty
Nat thoroughly enjoyed chasing the poor little boy!! He was so sweaty & tired but she wouldn't stop!

Birthday girl, cousin Ann
G'ma drinkin a
captain & coke-light as she called it.

Nat & Papa Tony
Stirring up some yummy
Cccchocolate milk

I think the flash was a little to bright

Baby Andi was pulling poor Natalie's hair out just prior to this picture

Sweet baby Andi-Lenn

Hi baby

Wanda being incognito

Me & Niki...Ex-Auto-Mocha chicks
actually, we are all ex-mocha girls...except for Wanda. She only worked there a week & hated it!

Cashmere girls

Tina & I

Natalie 8 feet in a tree
ol' Rudy

Biggest baby i have ever met.....Bear.