Friday, May 29, 2009


Gav w/ the frogs...he made some interesting observations of them frogs

plum tuckered after the weekend

gathering frogs

ewe-that's disgusting

Wy & his daddy in the kayak

hike where we found cougar poop....or something left behind by the ssssaky....

large tree in water
gorgeous view!!!
awwww baby....sleeping in the truck before the hike.

Baby Caelen

cool kids w/ their shades

trav's catch
oh brother
he was pretty serious w/ the flip-hat all weekend

tweedle-dee & tweedle-dum, otherwise known as the "fighters"
older, wiser kids


sissy & bby cael

big kids playing in the woods

Nat getting goodies from dad


colt being his usual goofy self
sugar has kicked in

Wy having some smarsh-mellows too

oh wow...i think she loves them more than me

reading some people about jonas brothers & miley on the way to bumping lake
this is so disgusting. he looks like one of the inbreads off the movie "wrong turn" or something!