This weekend was the weekend of Natalie's 1st dance
recital. She kicked booty & was the cutest
rockin-robin out there. It was also the weekend of Nat &
Sarahs wedding as well as fathers day. After
Nats recital we headed up to Manson for the wedding. It was
gorgeous! The house over looked the valley & so so picture perfect! The after party was pretty fun too!
Then, for fathers day, we decided to hike up
sattle rock. We haven't ever done that before, so we decided to try it out. Nat was tired of walking about 1 minute in to the hike, so dad carried her the whole way up. We showed her how to side-step down the steep parts & she walked to whole way down. It was a busy weekend, as usual, but very fun to say the least! Hope everyone is well, here are some pictures for you!

Tired girl after a big weekend!

Nat had to have a funny one in the mix

close to the top of
sattle rock-we didn't make it the whole way-little out of shape!
Love the head band
She didn't want to walk, so of course, daddy carried her on his shoulders.
Mariposa Lilly-Nat gathered a few of these, then pretended they were a family hiking & she was their protector........

Nat & Daddy on the Fathers Day hike.

Luke & his lady-Jessica. Cute pic!

Trav &
Parlett-what the heck is Travis doing w/ his face.
I love the "Honey bucket" in the back ground!

This house was amazing w/ the best view over the valley
i've ever seen.......very beautiful!

Nate in his wedding gear

Sarah looking stunning all in white.
Just Married!! Way to go guys!

Groom & his mama

Natalie's flowers for a job well done....she had more than any other kid there....surprise, surprise!

Tired of getting her pic taken.....

So pretty
This Rockin Robin is ready to go!

Baby shower weekend....
Nat getting tummy time w/ Alley-bears

Cousins on a treasure hunt
through Cashmere Museum-Thanks T for taking us!!!

friggin cute! Very Proud of
Travs picture taking abilities.

Nat would not get in this picture because she said she was cold & doesn't like her pic taken when she is cold....however i think it's because she was scared of the

Lucky weekend in
trying out the new water park on Western Ave

Wanda on her birthday