Okay-so i finally got my camera back because some less than sober girl w/ a black dress put it in Kelly's purse....which then traveled to Pasco w/ her after the 4th. So here are some picutres of the 4th in Chelan. What a GREAT weekend! WOW. The kids had sooooo much fun & it was beautiful. The lake is like bath-water this year too, so it was perfect. This last weekend Trav and I had a date night on Saturday. Went to Applewood (thanks Sis for the coupon, $40.00 bucks on a $65.00 dinner) then went and saw the Hangover. Funniest movie i have seen i a long time! It was really fun. Then we went to the water-slides on Sunday for a birthday party. nat had the time of her life...as she put it. She went down all the big slides and had a total blast. Other than that, Trav has been working 12 hour days in 100 degree heat for the last two or three weeks....he's going to need a vacation when he get's done too! And nat & i have just been enjoying the summer. Hope everyone is well! Take care & enjoy the pics!
Ahh, yet another espisode where Nat gives Wyatt a make-over. Only this time it's w/ dust & dirt from rocks instead of purple eye shodow & mascara. Look real close & you can see all the dust on both their faces! Poor Wyatt!