Monday, April 12, 2010

Easter weekend in Tri-Cities

chubbs getting some bubble action
colty w/ his make-shift easter baskett (travs hat)

everyone is checking out the goodies.

I made them pretend to be easter egg hunting
so i could have just one good pic. :)

Pretty girl on easter sunday.
Cannot believe is 5...tear

If you'l notice, there is a small pink tu-tu around her waist
as she is preparing to rip around on the quad.....

Our time at "the sitiation-stead"

not really sure why she was on top of gpa stan's MH,
but i came out just as she was climbing down

Al's mowing on some ribs & asparagus, i think the
beer is her moms tho :)

Als & Munga
I don't really know what to say about this pic............